Sunday 10 May 2015

Pulau Redang Trip

After getting on board the boat (as shown in picture above, on left behind) at Shah Bandar Jetty, Kuala Terengganu, and before we step onto Redang Island, we were transferred to another boat (as shown in picture above, on right front).

Finally, we reached our resort after spending about 1.5 hours on the journey from jetty to island.
The packages we picked were from Redang Reef Resort (located very near to the Laguna Redang Resort). 

The Laguna Redang Resort can be viewed from the dining area of dinner for Redang Reef Hotel customers. Redang Reef Resort is just a bridge-distance from Laguna Redang Resort. 

The backside of Redang Reef Resort facing towards the sea. There are comfortably wooden chairs for lying on.

The experienced and friendly diving crew of Redang Reef Resort, there are other divers too, bringing customers snorkeling around to explore the wonders of Redang Island underwater sea creatures, if lucky, you might meet turtles and sharks!

This is their cute and lovely promoting board to invite people who doesn't have license to dive together with the diving crews.

The view we saw when walking to the other beach sides. The first resort to be seen is the Laguna Resort :) The crystal-blue color of sea water makes my mind relax till the max!

Don't you have the urge to jump into the sea water to have some happy snorkeling moments right now? ;D

From this picture, you can see how clear the sea water is. :) The rocks underwater can be seen clearly.

Speed boats usually parked away from the snorkeling sites near to the resort, this ease the customers to have another snorkeling moment right after back from their outstation snorkeling time (can be either unknown sea bay or conserved marine park)! My friends and I fighted for every minutes to snorkeling, right after enjoying the tea break, we continue the snorkeling!

Some small crabs can be found near to the rocks! :D

This is the front side of the Redang Reef Resort, with a small bay in front of it, usually the resort's customers get down to train their snorkeling skills from here!

See! The customers are trying to snorkeling at the shallow sea bay first, before getting to deep sea area for snorkeling.

Most of the resorts have this kind of bar, these places are good for chatting around with friends! Beers and stars accompanied!

One of the designed diving souvenirs found. It looked so cute! Even have a pant on him :D

One of the shirt design that attracts me, gold-color-printed pattern and words on black-color shirt, and the wordings "BIG ACTUALLY COMES FROM SMALL" reminded me of people should get united together; and also, never forget your origins. Perhaps more moral values I haven't discovered it, but it do triggers some thinkings in me.

A kiosk found outside of one resort, when I saw it, I have the feelings to sit there and chit chat with friends till the next morning! Chatting mood ON! :P

The summer point of a resort. The girl sings well. Bands are nice too.

A little spot in Redang Island for couples. It's a good place to propose marriage!

One of the sunrise in Redang Island! "Hey people, get up and have more fun today!"

Just another random photo of the Redang Island view. This is just in front of the Redang Reef Resort. Oh by the way, blue sands can be found at this little beach side! <3

Snorkeling under blazing sun do not feel the heat because the sea water is cold; and the passion for snorkeling already exceed the worries to get tanned! :D Let's get over with the worries and have some fun instead!

While I snorkeled, I found NEMO family in the shallow seaside!!! Two adult-hood parents and two super tiny and cute babies swimming around their habitats, and the sizes of their babies not longer than 2mm! Imagined how small they are! You might just overlooked them easily! :) Indeed a fun and happy experience over here. Glad to have the diving crew leading us to explore the wonders of Redang Island.

How can I not to fall in love with this Island?! Could you?

People get off and onboard everyday. Travelled from far, just to discover the beauty of this island.

Some people have some relax moments away from sea water too! Sunbathing!

From here, I get my passion back. :) It's priceless.

Love from parents is endless <3 They even found a shady area for the sand bury game.

Redang Island is an ideal place for family to have picnic and tighten family bondings too!

Another random photo in front of the resort beach side :)

Squirrel here love to eat biscuits! Aww

These are parts of the photos in Redang Island, I couldn't help stopping myself to capture the beautiful scenario of it, thus some are just duplicate view, haha. Anyway, guys! If you have a chance to come here, please do not hesitate! The corals are started to die off due to massive flow of incoming customer, especially those who applied greasy sunscreen on their skin or throwing rubbish into the sea to pollute the area. We, only have a MOTHER EARTH, please do take good care of her, not only for us, but also for the future generations. At last, DO NOT capture any sea creatures back home! Let them live in where they supposed to be... or you'll get them killed! or you might get fined! Do be more considerable, and generous, some things are meant to be "GOOD TO TOUCH, GOOD TO SEE, ONCE BROKEN, CONSIDERED SOLD" concept. Hope you do enjoy my photos, I apologized for my broken english or any other grammar mistake, if you have any queries, please just leave a comment below :) Thank you for viewing.

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