Saturday 27 June 2015

Lumina De Neon Charity Night 2015

The official logo for this event.

Have you missed the event "Lumina de Neon"? This is a FOC wristband to be given to participants during registration!

A 'Lumina de Neon' night means, "The Light, The Hope, In the dark"
Entrance for the Lumina De Neon Charity Night! The pathway was decorated with balloons and lights.
Balloons always make people feel happy and warmth, right?  Because they are parts of our childhood, seeing them reminded of how happy we were in the past. It's when we're innocent people and being happy wasn't a difficult thing to be.

There're lights behind the balloons! Nice match!
Ever see this big of dreamcatcher before? This is special, I know right :D The event committees have put in a lot of efforts in doing this.
Another big dreamcatcher did by the event members, beautiful right? :) I felt a sense of PEACE, and CALM.

Seats at upper floor were reserved for some performers.

Colourful light bulbs were just nice to decorate for a night themed "lumina de neon"!
Program flow was printed and prepared on each seats for the convenience of participants.

Hampers were wrapped nicely and be ready for giving out :D

IDs for the crews of the event ;) Printed and laminated.

Found these when I walked into the room at backstage, guessing they belongs to whom. dayDream, perhaps?

A SpongeBob logo found on the guitar bag. It's cute :D

Appreciation certs will never being left out from an event, because it's our pleasure to have them as guests! 

Love the drums! <3

Participants stepping into the hall, guided by event crews, looking for seats.

The event was about to start! Sit back, relax, have a good time!

UTAR Lion Dance crews!

"Well hello guys ;) "

Standing position in lion dance will never easy for them!

 "Hey there, I'm fluoresce under fluorescent lights, cool, yea? :D "
"Umm.....let's me think... :P" (serious face)
Get united is the key for success.

So, let's get started! The performances of lion dance crews were amazing!

First performer: dayDream!!!!! Follow them at: dayDream樂團‬
Daeren (lead singer, guitarist, arranger, composer, music engineer, producer)

Ryan Tan (vocals, rap, lyricist, composer)
Ryan Han, the drummer, the music engineer of dayDream.

Chris (guitarist, arranger) on left, and Raja (arranger keyboards) on right.
Chris Lim! :D

One of the commercial break for entertainment and reminding purposes. Telling people to silence their phones, and prevent any disturbance to on-stage performers.They mimics old Digi Ads as guidelines, and it's funny indeed.

Pretty Zen 俊倩 came! Follow her at Zen 俊倩

Her performances was just more than excellent. It's marvellous!

Showing "love" to participants of Lumina de Neon Charity Night 2015, how lovely was she! :D

Singer of Tic Tac 2 sang Jay Chou's song. :)

Two amazing female singers of Tic Tac 2 :)

Another commercial break for the event, they started it with pink panther dance ;)

And later, more performers came out to dance.

Tadaaa~~~~ here's the Ribena! Haha, they're mimics the Ads from Ribena, but it's overloaded with cuteness! 

Main purpose of this event: Donating money to chinese primary school. :) 

Dance performances by students. It's stunning! 

I saw passion in them. Hey girls, well done!

Another performance by the band, The Second Song. Their performance was truly fantastic!

Kit Teo shown his efforts, you guys can see from this picture, right? Salute, you're so professional!
Follow him at : 张起政Kit Teo

Kit Teo was here with us in lumina night!! He's very good singer, and he's also very nice and friendly in person! Oh btw, he's handsome too :D His song "说爱了" was very nice song!
Precious was with us too! They're good at both singing and dancing! They're super cute and pretty in person, love their smiles. Follow them at: Precious
A group photo of all artists, except for dayDream, all of them were looking good here!

Pretty Hera Oh and Cute 可晴KeQing

The autograph session, get nearer to the artists! ;)
The group of backstage crews :)
Group photo of all event committees and the helpers.
Commitment of each other gave strength for the team to complete this event.

The organizing committees group photo! SJK(C) Pei Yuan students thanked you guys for the charity money contributions! :)